
In this section, I present various papers I have written for my undergraduate courses in economics. A detailed explanation of each artifact follows:

Trust in Behavioral Economics: This tab takes you to the pdf version of my paper “A Review of ‘On the Economics and Biology of Trust’ by Ernst Fehr.” I wrote this review for my course in Behavioural Economics. This is a side of economics I had never explored as I spent much of my academic career focused on international trade and finance. It was interesting to review Fehr’s paper because it revealed how important the scientific process is to economic modeling. In this paper you will find what I admire about this paper, my critiques of Fehr’s work, as well as my recommendations on how his study can be improved.

International Finance: Mexican Peso Crisis: This tab will lead you to a copy of my paper “The Mexican Peso Crisis of 1994” which I co-authored with my classmate Mallory Wilson. In this work, we discuss the economic and political events that led to the downturn of the Mexican economy. As well, we touch on the significance of this event at the international level and the extent to which other countries in Latin America and North America were impacted. In the conclusion of this paper, we analyze how this crisis could have been prevented and suggest how similar crises can be avoided in the future.

International Trade: Vietnamese Catfish Dispute: Through my coursework in international trade, I have become familiar with the Ricardian Model as well as the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.  Throughout this course, my class used these two models to analyze problems in international trade. More specifically, throughout the semester I analyzed the 2002 trade war between the US and Vietnam, with the US arguing the Vietnamese were “dumping” catfish into US markets. I present my findings of the analysis in the paper “An Examination of the Vietnamese Catfish Trade Dispute” found in this tab.
